Florida Notice to Owner Form

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Get help filing your Florida Preliminary Notice

The Florida Notice to Owner (NTO) is a type of preliminary notice that the state of Florida requires certain contractors and suppliers to send in order to protect their mechanics lien rights for construction or renovation work.

Before you fill out this Notice to Owner form, read the Step-by-Step Guide to Completing & Serving a Florida NTO.

Delivery Deadline

This notice identifies the sending party as a contractor or supplier on a construction project so that the property owner is aware of who is providing work.

Delivering A Florida Notice to Owner

Failing to deliver the NTO correctly can cause you to lose your lien rights.

Florida law requires construction parties to deliver a Notice to Owner by certified mail or personal delivery. Because the law requires evidence of delivery, it’s best practice to send it via certified mail. Document the delivery so you can later prove compliance with the requirement.

Questions about Florida’s NTO

If you have a question about Florida’s Notice to Owner requirements, head over to the Payment Help Center, where a network of Florida construction attorneys and payment experts are on hand to provide an answer. Here are some related questions that others have asked:

Rules and regulations for sending a Florida Preliminary Notice

Deadline for Property Owner / Public Entity General Contractor to send the Florida Preliminary Notice